This combination is born after i saw the Thelma & Louise bassed
videoclip of Puretone.
I really liked the clip and with that i also liked the song very much.
So from that point i decided that i wanted to combine this track in
a combimix.
But then came the question, which number did fit into this great song?
I played the song 4 times in a row and finally a track jumped my mind.
I placed both tracks into Vegas and started beatmatching first, and
quickly i heard that the BPM and the tones matched amazingly good.
So with that i started to cut & paste and play with the tracks.
And within 4 hours i did have a combimix of 5:47 minutes.And i think
it's a good combination. So if you're curious, just download it and
play it loud
Used tracks:
Puretone - Adicted to bass
R.O.O.S - Instant moments
If you want to send me some comments on the mix, feel free to mail

This mix got airplay on Bajaradio